Free Course



Shamanic Astrology + 
In Depth Numerology

Complete Soul Profile

Explore the depths of your soul through Emma’s unique holistic and integrative approach to Shamanic Astrology and Depth Numerology. A weaving of two ancient mystery schools and lineages. Emma offers a comprehensive look into your natal chart  and the host of influences guiding (and distracting) you along your journey. Also gain a better understanding of yourself through sacred numbers including your "Essence". Emma shares the mysteries of numbers and their sacred symbolic language (Pythagorean) in a simple easy to use system for everyday life. Decoding the reason why you chose to incarnate in physical form and the lessons you are here to grow and ascend. Truly Life enhancing allowing you to live at a deeper soul level.

This experience is $227 for 75 minutes and includes a session MP3 recording.

For those who have already experienced this offering, book a 60-minute update for $167

Book Your Session Here - if this is your first time
Update Consultation - Returning client

Moon Medicine

A sacred online Membership to deepen your connection the Moon and your Soul

Moon Medicine is an exclusive monthly online membership that was birthed out of the need for a safe healing space, a retreat from the external stress, where you can feel supported nourished, and receive simple yet effective tools to help navigate Midlife and Beyond. Where your daily well being, and vitality are enhanced by connecting to the natural rhythms of the Moon. 

You'll receive two Crystal sound meditations each month for the New and Full moons along ONE live gathering with celestial insights on your birth chart and MUCH more! 

Learn More

What you'll get: 

  • 12 gatherings + recordings  

  • Pranayama, creativity, meditation practices and plant medicine plus MUCH more

  • A deeper understanding of your birth chart , the seasons and how to live in harmony and deeper relationship with natural time


You will have access to these and more resources in a special community portal.

Midlife and Beyond Community

Join Emma each month  to deepen your spiritual and creative practices

Midlife and Beyond can be a time when you can question many aspects of life including Who am I and What is my Purpose? 

In this sacred community Emma offers a safe space for like minded women to feel supported and to remember who they REALLY ARE ...


Journey Together

Do you have questions?

I'd love to be of assistance! Leave a message and I'll get back to you shortly.